A three-part event is set to delve into the origin of the infamous hotel-for-assassins that serves as the centerpiece of the John Wick universe. The story will unfold through the perspective and experiences of a young Winston Scott, who finds himself thrust into the dangerous landscape of 1970s New York City, forcing him to confront a past that he believed he had escaped.
Winston navigates the enigmatic underworld of the hotel in a perilous bid to gain control over it, paving the way for his eventual ascent to the throne. The journey is fraught with danger and suspense as he encounters various obstacles and adversaries along the way.
The event promises to be a thrilling and captivating exploration of the history behind the legendary hotel, providing viewers with an intriguing backstory to one of the most iconic settings in the John Wick franchise. The first installment is scheduled to premiere exclusively on Peacock in September 2023.